
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stamped Mask

One of the challenges at Stamptoberfest or Stamptoberfest over at Two Peas was to create a mask. I was intrigued by it because I had never created one before. I think inspiration takes all forms and trying something completely different stretches the brain and keeps it creative.

This was so much fun to do and when I got done I realized my butterflies really looked like fire because of the colors I used. I also got comments that it looks like leaves.

I also promised Tanya (my youngest) that I would share her halloween banner. I think it was very cute. I cut out the shapes and she took it upstairs to her room on her table and created it.

This is the full string of pennants. You have to see all her hand drawn Halloween items and the phrases she put on there cracked me up.

I think the Wiztober comes from Disney channel. We love to watch Wizards of Wizardly Place.

Thanks for stopping by...



  1. Fun fun fun!!!!! Oh mygosh.. I love that mask... It needs to be worn!!

    And, your daughter's banner rocks!!!!! Big high five to Tanya!!!! She is smokin'!

  2. Es preciosa esta máscara, bueno si lo ven aqui en Tenerife, que son muy famosos los carnavales, seguro que te la copiarían, los colores me encantan.
    El trabajo de la Bandera para tu niño, como aqui no se celebra el dia de las brujas, pues no me motiva tanto, pero seguro que le encantará. Bss

  3. wow it`s amazing your mask, so beautiful

  4. Your mask is absolutely fabulous...way to stretch your creativity!
    Love your daughter's banner, crafting must run deep in your family.
    btw- your little package arrived, such a beautiful treat to receive art from you! Special thanks and blessings to you.

  5. Just LOVE that banner!! Way to go! And I just LOVE that mask, it's BRILLIANT!!

  6. You have competition in your household Suzz. That banner is brilliant and love her rhyme,

    The mask is fantastic too. It took me a good few seconds to work out that it was butterflies as I too thought it was flames.

    Lesley Xx

  7. OMG that mask is incredible! Love the butterfly cut-outs for the eyes. The banners are so fun.

  8. Wonderful mask! So creative and clever! I first thought that those are leaves, too - but I realized that those are butterflies because of the cut-out for the eyes! Amazing project! And your daughter`s banner is super! Talent runs in the family!


  9. YOUR MASK IS AMAZING!!!! Love the Halloween banner, too! :)

  10. Love your mask! How creative to peak through a butterflies! and the banners are wonderful and fun too!

  11. WOW, missed this mask. So cool! Big giveaway over at my blog!

  12. Yourmask is astounding, and I chuckled out loud at Tanya's banner...looks like she had a great time creating this!! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...


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