Thursday, March 6, 2014

Starry Birthday

March is a big birthday month in our family.  Birthday cards are in big demand so I have been trying to make up a stash. 

I was playing with another project where I had a few different stars cut out and wanted to mist them in blue.  I decided to get the excess by laying them on another scrap of cardstock.  That ended up being my background on this card.

After I cut my background down and added stamped stars with a few star gems.  A quick and easy birthday card.

Have a happy Thursday!



  1. This stars card totally rocks!! Love it so!! Hey I emjoyed coming across your blog through the Moxie Fab Blog Roll. I am on there too as #1536 - Taunya Butler or I would be honored if you would come by for a visit!!

  2. How effective Sue! Brilliant card for a teenager! I have lots of male birthdays in March and April and I don't find them easy, lol!

    Lesley Xx


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