Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Work in Progress

 I take so long between posts lately that I decided to share with you something that is in progress as I work on it.
 I had an idea based on a journal I saw somewhere to create my own mini journal.  I started with this two ring binder and a leftover backing to a pad of mixed media paper.
 I measured the length of the binder (don't even remember what it was because I laid it on my backing and eye-balled how much space on either side I wanted in my height.  So my album became a 6" x 6" in size.  I then put about a 1/4 to 1/8 of an inch on either side of the binder and made it a 1 1/4" in width on the binding.  See how scientific I am in my process...   

I cut out my pieces which took several times on my rotary cutting board.  I then decided I was going to cut paper to line my surfaces so I could use the clear packing tape to attach my pieces together.
 Next up was drawing where to punch my holes on the binder. 
 This is one step I need to do up front as the board is so thick I know I won't be able to punch through all the layers when I am done. 
 Then I cut my papers and marked my holes on my paper which then got its own holes punched in.
 I cut all my paper pieces and then the fun got started. 

 I painted them with gesso and added a layer of rock candy crackle.  This gave me a beautiful variegated surface waiting for my inks.
 Spray a little mist and pour some gold spray which was the end of the bottle so I had lots of gold settling on the surface.
 See how the papers look on the book.  I have to finish my edges next and add the next layer of goodies.

Hopefully I will have an update in a day or so with some more finished pieces.


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